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Changing our minds about time

Natural time, harmonic time, 1320, Tzolkin of Maya Dreamspell

Welcome to Womb of Creation, a container for you to experience the harmony in synchronising and returning to our birth right here on Earth - natural time.

Time on Earth had been corrupted for the simple reason, ownership. Ownership of what you ask?

Your mind!

Our mind is our own, a powerful tool when we are able to apply it by processing the data received from the positive and negative mind and acting through the neutral mind, intuition.

The mind is not our own when we are not able to hear the inner whisper of our guidance that comes to us through the neutral channel of the mind. Jose Arguelles famously states that

“whoever owns your time owns your mind”.

Where our focus goes energy follows. The Western world has been enslaved to a calendar system that does not support harmonic living. It is based on survival not thrive for the majority of the population.

Its foundation lays in Roman influence and its purpose, to know when to collect taxes. The months are named after men where some have more days than others, displaying the makers agenda’s of this time system rooted in inequality.

It also denounced the 13th month. A number superstitiously made to be bad luck. A number that represents coming into your own authority. It is the number of the Goddess and represents the return to spirit.

With this month removed life has no rest, no break, no time away from doing. The culture of a 12 month calendar system is constant go, like being on a rat wheel and you can’t get off. This calendar influences the way we move in life, connect to nature and live in harmony with everything.

A calendar based on taking, never enough, inequality and removing time to explore beyond what is; is a system that restricts soul sovereignty, awakening and evolution. Time cannot be owned. But if we are living to a time system that is not allowing our minds to think for themselves our mind can be owned.

Time is spirit. But much of the world has been chasing tails in a man made structure built on intentions that do not to serve the whole. Returning to Natural time, a 13 month year, each month made up of 28 days gives to exploring beyond our perceived possibility of what it is to be human. It is a foundation of equality, abundance being everyones birthright.

As we reset the mind to focus on a way of time that serves harmony... our lives, our connections, our future naturally reorganise, attune and align to this.

Who owns your time?

We are in a sacred window of opportunity to retrieve our personal power through orienting our mind into a new focus in time. Womb of Creation is a container for women created in response to these times, to serve a shift in consciousness on this planet. This shift is living life as HeART.

Quoting from star trek, we are going "where no man or woman has gone before". The Universe is watching us. What we do here on Earth matters and affects the whole. Each day we can open to the consciousness pulsing through the sun. We can receive the blessings of this communication and apply it to heal, transform and return to unity.

You are another of myself is realised.

We are relations to everything is known.

Welcome to this new discovery and recovery of harmonic time.

Written by Simone Wisdom

Thank you for the image - Jeffkwon of Getty images

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