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wisdom magic fearlessness
Offering deep gratitude to those that came before us, and those that will follow in our tracks.
We also offer deep gratitude to Jose Arguelles, the Terton who uncovered the codes of the Maya in the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque, to reformat for this time of awakening, to serve to deprogram the conditioning of the ‘power-over’ paradigm, and to reveal the path to harmony by tracking the Sirian codes of Natural Time. Reclaiming ‘Time is Art’, releasing ‘time is money’.
Also offering gratitude to his wife and supporter of many years of traveling and first sharing these codes, Lloydine Arguelles.
And lastly the current very humble holder of the lineage, Stephanie South. Jose’s apprentice of 9 years, before he passed, leaving the baton in her loving hands.
It is to these beings we are grateful as we continue the work/play of sharing the codes, aiming for a more humane and harmonious world for all.As we reconnect with our beloved Earth Mothers dreaming of ‘AbunDance for ALL Beings’.
Mother Father God Isn’t it WONDERFUL
Thank you to
Hayat & Matsu for The Alchemists Garden - a beauty full card deck. WE shared an image from their card deck, (which was the card we chose for Womb of Creation), on the pricing page and their Words "friendship, sharing, alliance" on about page.
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